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The Dinuba Area Regional Transit (DART) is operated by Tulare County Regional Transit Agency (TCRTA) and is the City of Dinuba's public transportation provider. DART provides public transit service Monday thru Friday and limited services on Saturdays. Route 1 and Route 2 are flex routes that are combined fixed route and dial-a-ride service. Both routes operate along a fixed route, but leave the route to pick up dial-a-ride passengers between route stops. DART also provides a third bus for Dial-A-Ride specific.
DART provides a regional transit service, the Dinuba Connection, between the City of Dinuba and City of Reedley. The Reedley bus stops include Save Mart, Reedley College, Adventist Medical Center, Palm Village Retirement Community, and the Department of Motor Vehicles.
DART provides service to approximately 43,000 annual passengers or 3,580 each month. DART provides over 12,000 hours of service across almost 152,000 miles each year.
Space Rate: $208 - $227 per month Production & Installation: $251
Space Rate: $371 - $406 per month Production & Installation: $1,881
Space Rate: $182 - $199 per month Production & Installation: $240
Space Rate: $338 - $370 per month Production & Installation: $1,923
Space Rate: $208 - $227 per month Production & Installation: $196
Space Rate: $371 - $406 per month Production & Installation: $648
Space Rate: $863 - $946 per month Production & Installation: $4,699
Space Rate: $232- $248 per month Production & Installation: $276
Space Rate: $400 - $426 per month Production & Installation: $2,085
Space Rate: $205 - $219 per month Production & Installation: $260
Space Rate: $367 - $391 per month Production & Installation: $1,990
Space Rate: $232 - $248 per month Production & Installation: $196
Space Rate: $400 - $426 per month Production & Installation: $1,075
Space Rate: $908 - $966 per month Production & Installation: $4,701
Space Rate: $107 - $122 per month Production & Installation: $196
Space Rate: $15 per month Production & Installation: $26